Monday, October 1, 2012


Last Thursday, our SES class went star gazing. It was one of the most memorable events I've been to, not only because of what we learned, but also because I forgot to bring layers, and ended up freezing. Regardless, it was a night I could never forget.

Even though we had a chance to learn about the stars and the constellations, and get glimpses of some of the planets, my favourite part was still the moon. I really liked it when all the astronomers angled their telescopes at the moon. It allowed everyone to see the moon from many different perspectives, and appreciate all the little details that they've never been able to notice before. When I went star gazing before, I never really took interest, because I had always taken the objects in the sky for granted.
This time, however, I was able to see the moon up close, with all its little craters, and its glowing luminosity, and I finally realized why people found the night sky so fascinating.

Credits: Eric Wang.

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